Tuesday 25 June 2013

Room and Body Sprays... Create your own signature fragrance.

Home plays an important part of our lives and it is a reflection of who we are and how we would like others to perceive us.  We raise families, entertain friends and create a nurturing loving place to which we belong.
As every place you walk into has a unique and distinct smell.  Scientists believe than neuron changes in the brain are responsible for creating and recalling memories, and fragrances are one of the major factors in triggering these neuron changes and recovering the stored memories from our brains.
Research is also indicating that information is better stored in our brain when it is introduced in the presence of a fragrance.  The associated fragrance increases the scale of intensity and vividness of these memories.

Whether it is a certain item baking in the oven that triggers memories of childhood, or the unique note of a certain flower or perfume that triggers romantic memories, smells help shape who we are, and create important first impressions.
New formulations are allowing us to use the same fragrances to both fragrance ourselves and our homes creating a signature smell that identifies us, and associates this particular smell with us.  The Voluspa room sprays are formulated to be safe for use on the body.  They are different from perfumes in that they lack much of the fixatives that allow perfumes to linger on all days.  The room and body sprays are lighter, and more fleeting.
Many of the Votivo room sprays are also formulated to be safe on bed linens.  Spraying some of the Lavender and Chamomile or Breath of Lavender fragrance on the bed sheets at bed time, will help with relaxation and restful sleep.

Room sprays, candles and diffusers play an important role in how we set the tone in our homes and how we integrate fragrance into  home decor. If you have any problems in finding quality room sprays and candles then peruse the offerings at www.zanadia.com for a huge selection of brands and fragrances.

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